Speakers 2023
Speakers 2023

Dr. Reza Parchizadeh

  Dr. Reza Parchizadeh, PhD (@DrParchizadeh), is a distinguished political scientist, security analyst, and international affairs specialist. He has written extensively on the development of liberal democracy worldwide, dynamics of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, military and paramilitary applications of political ideologies, and global terrorism and sectarianism. He often explores the philosophical foundations of political systems and the real-world impact of political thought. His work frequently centers on the ideological and geopolitical strategies of Middle Eastern states, with a particular emphasis on interstate dynamics, regional stability, and interactions with the West. Parchizadeh has appeared on Al Arabiya, BBC, Fox News, and Radio Israel, and is a regular commentator on the U.S. …

Manuel Atug

  Manuel ‘HonkHase’ Atug has been working in information security for well over 23 years and has many years of experience in technical IT security and auditing, especially in critical infrastructures. He is founder and speaker of the independent AG KRITIS.   His other honorary topics are KRITIS, digital disaster prevention, hackback and ethics. Manuel studied computer science and applied IT security. He is an engineer and also an instructor for the BSI additional qualification “Additional test procedure competence for § 8a BSIG”. He is active on the web as @HonkHase.

Schoresch Davoodi

Schoresch Davoodi Schoresch Davoodi studied Political Science and History in Bochum, publications for the EPU in Stadtschlaining (Austria). He is a member of the Foreign Policy Working Group of the Pirate Party, Middle East Division and gives a lecture on the situation in Iran and the Middle East. Lecture at #PSC19

Alexis Roussel

Alexis Roussel is a member of the Swiss Pirate Party and has also been active as its president. The lawyer is an entrepreneur and executive in several companies for privacy tech to Bitcoins trading in Neuchâtel. He wants to anchor “digital integrity” in the Swiss constitution with a new initiative, and already succeeded in the Geneva Canton constitution. Alexis Roussel grew up in Holland and has lived in France and Belgium. “When I came back to Switzerland, I noticed how many opportunities are available here,” he says. When Roussel started talking about cryptocurrency, Bitcoins and digital transfers ten years ago – it was the time of Wikileaks – he often …