Pirate Security Conference
Programm 2022

Programm 2022


Multipolar and Multidimensional Geopolitics in Interesting Times/Day 1


Tag 1 – 18.06.2022 (Samstag) Programm
Beginn Ende Redner Vortrag
10:00 11:00 Alexander Kohler
Anja Hirschel
Grußwort des Oberbürgermeisters von Prag, Herrn Zdeněk Hřibb
10:05 10:30 Mikuláš Peksa Influence of Russian Energy Companies on Energy Policies of European Countries
11:00 12:00 Gregory Engels Putins Internet Plan
12:00 13:00 Alexander Isavnin Russia: Communication Freedom exchanged for „Security“
13:00 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 15:00 Paula Cipierre Security in an Interconnected World – the Role of Information Technology

15:00 16:00 Patrick Breyer Why the EU’s CSAM Scanner Proposal threatens our Security
16:00 17:00 Paul C. Strobel The Continuation of Warfare by other Means: Online Warfare and its Implications for the Future
17:00 18:00 Fritz Felgentreu War in the Ukraine, and then? EU-Perspectives in a Multipolar-World
18:00 18:15 Anja Hirschel Abschluss Tag 1

Multipolar and Multidimensional Geopolitics in Interesting Times/Day 2

Tag 2 – 19.06.2022 (Sonntag) Programm
Beginn Ende Redner Vortrag
10:00 11:00 Anja Hirschel Eröffnung
10:00 11:00 Bandera Diss The Situation in Sri Lanka

17:00 18:00 Makar Diakonov Helping To Leave
11:00 12:00 Enno Lenze War Crimes in Ukraine


12:00 13:00 Lunch Break
13:00 13:30 Makar Diakonov Helping to Leave
13:30 14:30 Schoresch Davoodi War in Ukraine and Information-Warfare against the West

14:30 15:30 Dennis Wufka Lessons learned? The War that Challenges the Fundamental Perceptions of Western Geopolitics
15:30 16:00 Anja Hirschel Abschluss Tag 2