Pirate Security Conference
Programm 2021

Programm 2021

The Future world order looming in the aftermath of the crisis Tag/Day 1

Tag 1 / Day 1- 14.08.2021 (Saturday/Samstag) Programm / Agenda – all times are CEST/DST (UTC+2)
Begin / Beginn End / Ende Speaker / Redner Lecture / Vortrag
10:00 10:05
Opening – Eröffnung
10:05 11:05 Stéphane Koch Digital illiteracy
11:10 12:10 Manouchehr Shamsrizi Gaming as an arena of foreign and security policy
12:10 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 15:00 Enno Lenze Rockets on Israel – Iran’s Contribution to Hamas‘ Work
15:05 15:55 Dr. Keith Goldstein How Pirate parties and Pirate Parties International Can Utilize Crypto Currencies
16:00 16:55 Coffee Break
17:00 17:55 Dave Borghuis
17:55 18:00 Closing Day 1 / Abschluss Tag 1


Teil 1

Teil 2

Teil 3

The Future world order looming in the aftermath of the crisis Tag/Day 2

Tag 2 / Day 2- 15.08.2021 (Sunday/Sonntag)
Programm / Agenda – all times are CEST/DST (UTC+2)
Begin / Beginn End / Ende Speaker / Redner Lecture / Vortrag
11:00 11:05   Opening – Eröffnung
11:05 12:05 Gregory Engels

Digital sovereignty in Russia
12:10 14:00   Lunch Break
14:05 15:05 Rafael Capurro & Anja Hirschel Global information Ethics
15:10 16:55 Roderich Kiesewetter, 

Nathan Daschle,

Mikuláš Peksa


Future multipolar world order after Corona
Main event & Panel Discussion
16:55 17:00   Closing / Abschluss


Teil 1

Teil 2