Pirate Security Conference



2024.2 (online)

Program Friday, 10.05.2024


The Pirate Security Conference program will take place as part of the NAFO “Future Forum”.

10:00 – 10:45 Opening

Greetings from H.E. Oleksii Makeiev, Ambassador of Ukraine and Michael Roth, Member of the German Bundestag and Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs




10:30 – 11:15

Russia’s war of aggression and scenarios of global great power competition

Dr. Jochen Kleinschmidt, TU Dresden
11:15 – 12:00
Special Guest
12:00 – 12:45
Turning Point- Ukraine, Germany and Europe’s real turning point
Dr. Benjamin Tallis, Senior Research Fellow & Head of Action Group Turning Point, DGAP

13:30 – 14:15
Dealing with Russia’s toxic society
Dr. Gesine Dornblüth, Slavicist and journalist and Thomas Franke, author and journalist




14:15 – 15:00
Can e-voting break Estonian democracy?
Märt Põder, Estonian philosopher and digital activist
(Pirate Security Conference)
15:00 – 15:45
Resisting Polarization: The Essential Toolkit
Sara “Beau” Hjalmarsson, Counterterrorism, Security and Intelligence expert
(Pirate Security Conference)

16:00 – 16:30
Troll Management
Schoresch Davoodi and Alexander Kohler, AG Foreign Policy of the Pirate Party
(Pirate Security Conference)
16:30 – 17:15
Algorithms, chance and symmetry – a look at truth and resilience
Dr. Jens Oehlschlägel
17:15 – 18:00
Russian disinformation
Dr. Franziska Davies, LMU Munich and Dr. Heike Winkel, Federal Agency for Civic Education

18:15 – 19:45
Russia watchers on stage
Thomas Leurs, Dimitri Nabokoff, Markus Pöhlking and Dr. Stefan Schaak
20:00 – 22:00
Night Talk – Disinfolkore vs. resilience
Martin Sauerbrey-Almasy and Ralph Yanik, among others with Stephen Douglas, ex-diplomat and OSCE observer in the Donbas


Tag 1 – 17.02.2024 (Samstag)

Stand 26.02.2024

Beginn  Ende  Redner  Vortrag
10:00 10:15 Alexander Kohler
10:15 11:00 Sara Hjalmarsson How to Turn Your Grand Mom Into a Terrorist
11:00 12:00 Grit Friedrich Traumata russischer Besatzung – eine Waffe im Informationskrieg
12:00 13:00 Lunch Break
13:00 15:00 Anastasiya Shapochkina Die #Dragonbear Allianz
15:00 16:00 Sara Hjalmarsson NEU: Langfristiger Stress und Sicherheitsrisiken
16:00 17:00 Dr. Ronen Eidelman Die Technologie wird uns unvorsichtig machen
17:00 18:00 Alexis Roussel Die Aufnahme des Rechts auf digitale Integrität in die Genfer Verfassung im Jahr 2023<
18:00 19:00 Panel Diskussion
Anja Hirschel 
L0la L33tz
Wer beobachtet die Beobachter?
19:15 22:00 Party / Get-together

Tag 2 – 18.02.2024 (Sonntag)

Beginn  Ende  Redner  Vortrag
10:00 10:15 Anja Hirschel
10:15 11:00 Benjamin Tallis  Keynote: Zeitenwende, Grand Strategy & Neo-Idealism
11:00 12:00 Benjamin Tallis  BerlinsideOut Special EpisodePodcast mit Aaron Gasch Burnett
12:00 13:00 Mikuláš Peksa Der russische Angriff auf die Ukraine hat die Europäische Union – der Kampf um unsere Integrität
13:00 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 15:00 Prof. Dr. Florian Gallwitz Sind große Sprachmodelle wie ChatGPT einfach nur Werkzeuge, die Muster wiederholen?
15:00 16:00 Alexander Kohler Die Zukunft der Drohnenkriegsführung
16:00 17:00
17:00 17:15 Anja Hirschel  Abschluss


Tag 1 – 18.02.2023 (Saturday)

10:00 11:00 Alexander Kohler &
Anja Hirschel
10:30 11:30 Georg Löfflmann The ReBoot: The War in Ukraine and the Turnaround in German Foreign, Security and Defense Policy
11:30 12:30 Theresa Fallon Putin’s Ukraine Invasion and the future of Sino-Russian Relations
12:30 13:30 Veronika Datzer Hybrid threats and political responses – an assessment of 2022
14:00 15:00 Lunch Break
15:00 16:00 Borys Sobiewski IT Security in Companies
16:00 17:00 Gustav Gressel Scenarios for the Russian-Ukrainian war and what they mean to Europe
17:00 18:00 Benjamin Tallis  Neo-Idealism: A New Hope for Geopolitics & Grand Strategy
18:00 19:00 Franziska Davies Historical Perspectives on Russia’s war against Ukraine
19:00 19:30 Panel Diskussion
19:30 20:30 Dr. Reza Parchizadeh Foreseeing the Future of Iran through the Prism of Russia’s Present
20:30 20:45 Anja Hirschel  Abschluss Tag 1

Tag 2 – 19.02.2023 (Sunday)

10:00 10:15 Anja Hirschel
10:15 11:00 Schoresch Davoodi Making A Revolution
11:00 12:00 Jo Zayner The Global Pandemic
Lunch Break
13:00 14:00 Manuel Atug KRITIS in The Cyberwar
14:00 15:00 Alexis Roussel Digital integrity of the human person
15:00 16:00 Nina Azadi (Iran Aktivist) Iran Revolution 2022-23
16:00 17:00 Dr. Laeed Zaghlami Algeria as Contributor to peace, security and stability in Africa and Beyond
17:00 17:15 Anja Hirschel  Finish


Multipolar and Multidimensional Geopolitics in Interesting Times/Day 1

Day 1 – 2022.06.18 (Saturday) Agenda – all times are CEST/DST (UTC+2)
Begin End Speaker Lecture
10:00 11:00 Alexander Kohler
Anja Hirschel
Greeting from the Lord Mayor of Prague, Mr. Zdeněk Hřib
10:05 10:30 Mikuláš Peksa Influence of Russian Energy Companies on Energy Policies of European Countries
11:00 12:00 Gregory Engels Putins Internet Plan
12:00 13:00 Alexander Isavnin Russia: Communication Freedom exchanged for „Security“
13:00 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 15:00 Paula Cipierre Security in an Interconnected World – the Role of Information Technology
15:00 16:00 Patrick Breyer Why the EU’s CSAM Scanner Proposal threatens our Security
16:00 17:00 Paul C. Strobel The Continuation of Warfare by other Means: Online Warfare and its Implications for the Future
17:00 18:00 Fritz Felgentreu War in Ukraine, and then? EU-Perspectives in a Multipolar World
18:00 18:15 Anja Hirschel Closing Day 1

Multipolar and Multidimensional Geopolitics in Interesting Times/Day 2

Day 2 – 2022.06.19 (Sunday) Agenda – all times are CEST/DST (UTC+2)
Begin End Speaker Lecture
10:00 11:00 Anja Hirschel Opening
10:00 10:30 Bandera Diss The Situation in Sri Lanka

10:30 11:00 Makar Diakonov Helping To Leave
11:00 12:00 Enno Lenze War Crimes in Ukraine
12:00 13:00 Lunch Break
13:30 14:30 Schoresch Davoodi War in Ukraine and Information-Warfare against the West
14:30 15:30 Dennis Wufka Lessons learned? The War that Challenges the Fundamental Perceptions of Western Geopolitics
15:30 16:00 Anja Hirschel Closing Day 2


The Future world order looming in the aftermath of the crisis Tag/Day 1

Tag 1 / Day 1- 14.08.2021 (Saturday/Samstag) Programm / Agenda – all times are CEST/DST (UTC+2)
Begin / Beginn End / Ende Speaker / Redner Lecture / Vortrag
10:00 10:05
Opening – Eröffnung
10:05 11:05 Stéphane Koch
Digital illiteracy
11:10 12:10 Manouchehr Shamsrizi
Gaming as an arena of foreign and security policy
12:10 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 15:00 Enno Lenze
Rockets on Israel – Iran’s Contribution to Hamas’ Work
15:05 15:55 Dr. Keith Goldstein
How Pirate parties and Pirate Parties International Can Utilize Crypto Currencies
16:00 16:55 Coffee Break
17:00 17:55 Dave Borghuis
How to fine municipality Enschede in 42 easy steps
17:55 18:00 Closing Day 1 / Abschluss Tag 1


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

The Future world order looming in the aftermath of the crisis Tag/Day 2

Tag 2 / Day 2- 15.08.2021 (Sunday/Sonntag)
Programm / Agenda – all times are CEST/DST (UTC+2)
Begin / Beginn End / Ende Speaker / Redner Lecture / Vortrag
11:00 11:05 Opening – Eröffnung
11:05 12:05 Gregory Engels
Digital sovereignty in Russia
12:10 14:00 Lunch Break
14:05 15:05 Rafael Capurro & Anja Hirschel
Global information Ethics
15:10 16:55 Roderich Kiesewetter,

Nathan Daschle,

Mikuláš Peksa


Future multipolar world order after Corona

Main event & Panel Discussion
16:55 17:00 Closing / Abschluss


Part 1

Part 2


Category Topic Speaker
Resilience Blackout: Are we fit enough to survive Herbert Sauregg
Resilience Mobilisation and resilience of movements in 2020 Nick Kelly
Digital Sovereignty Digital sovereignty in Russia Gregory Engels
Middle East Appeasement in Hybrid War Times: useful or coward? Mirjam Fischer
Middle East Telling the truth by watching the war Enno Lenze
Middle East Iran – Current situation in the Middle East Schoresch Davoodi
Risk Analysis in a Dynamic World Know Thy Risk – Approaches to Political Risk Analysis in a Dynamic World Dr. Konstantinos Tsetsos
The New Iron Curtain Surveillance capitalism vs. digital self-determination – the New Iron Curtain Mikuláš Peksa
Digital Safety Digital integrity of the human person Alexis Roussel
Hybrid threats Drones as a means of hybrid warfare Kurt Klein



Category Topic Speaker
Artificial Intelligence The Geopolitics of Artificial Intelligence Ing. Alessandro Guarino
Artificial Intelligence Economic aspects of AI / Wirtschaftliche Aspekte von KI Chris Boos
Genome editing Genome editing with CRISPR / Cas Dr. Anna Müllner
Data Security Active Directory – The weakest link in the chain Ivor Kollár 
Safety Social networks as a place of crime Elina Radionova-Girsa
Safety The Dream of Digital Invisibility or Speech to the Little Digital Man Peter Stummer
Safety Perception of safety in Europe Patrick Breyer
Asylum & Migration Fortress Europe: Clash of cultures Adam Wolf
Asylum & Migration Festung Europa: Kampf der Kulturen Schoresch Davoodi
Asylum & Migration Panel Discussion Gregory Engels, Adam Wolf, Schoresch Davoodi
Artificial Intelligence Technology Cold War: The Artificial Intelligence arms race Yvonne Hofstetter
Artificial Intelligence How KI changes our everyday life Dr. Isabella Gekel



Category Topic Speaker
Resilience Resilience of Energy Supply Systems Dr. Frank Umbach
Resilience Rail Resilience in Populated Areas Stefan Baumgartner
Interview Birgitta Jónsdóttir Interview Birgitta Jónsdóttir
Resilience Robust Cyber Power for Systemically Resilient Democracies Dr. Chris Demchak 
Resilience Resilience in political systems Oktavía Hrund Jónsdóttir
Resilience Resilience – more than just a hybrid war threat PhDr. Ivan Bartoš   
Bright Internet Bright Internet Tom Waszmann
Resilience How Bitcoin works and how Proof-of-Work makes it resilient Florian Weigand
Crypto Currency The renewable energy market in Germany, the challenges, and new perspectives with blockchain technology and crypto-currency mining Tobias Mader
Middle East Kurdistan and Middle East Enno Lenze
Middle East Situation in Iran and Middle East Schoresch Davoodi
Middle East Discussion about the situation in the Middle East Enno Lenze & Schoresch Davoodi
Military aspects of
Artificial Intelligence
How do land forces fight in 10 years? Drones, Robots & Artificial Intelligence change the war Roger Näbig 
Resilience Responsibilities in a digitally insecure world: legal frameworks. Oktavía Hrund Jónsdóttir


Category Topic Speaker
Orga Opening Day 1 Patrick Schiffer, Alexander Kohler
Safety Cleavages between Inner and Outer Security Alessandro Guarino
Digital Society Challenges to Face in a Digital Environment PhDr. Ivan Bartoš   
and Carlo von Lynx
Crypto Currency Bitcoin: Privacy and Censorship Resistance Beyond the Web
Orga Opening Day 2 Alexander Kohler
Middle East Situation Report on Syria and Iraq Enno Lenze
and Kawa Prüfer
Safety Big Data and its Impact on Modern Society Vesselin Popov
Digital Society Expert Interview: The Role of Whistleblower in Modern Society Birgitta Jónsdóttir
and Sylvia Steinitz
Orga Opening Day 3 Alexander Kohler
Digital Society Global Governance: Norms Rules and Practices Mikuláš Peksa
and Frank Herrmann
Safety The Turning Point in Global Cooperation? Challenges and Opportunities Dr. Alexandre Vautravers
and Dennis Wufka


Category Topic Speaker
Digital Society How Digital Media have Changed the Overall Perception in the Society Jelena Jovanovic
and Birgitta Jónsdóttir
Digital Society Autonomous Cars – A Curse or a Blessing? Maik Boeres
and Jens-Wolfhard Schicke-Uffmann
Digital Society Trolls, Hackers and Extremists – the Fight for a Safe and Open Web Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Gerhard Eschelbeck
and Birgitta Jónsdóttir
Safety A New Dimension in Security Politics? The Vulnerability of Digital Infrastructure Guillaume Saouli
Safety High Level Discussion: Chances for an International Regulation of Digital Weapon Angelika Beer
and Birgitta Jónsdóttir
Safety Industry 4.0 and the Threat of Digital Weapons Prof. Gabi Dreo Rodosek
Richard Stinneon
and Andy Yen
Safety Automated Warfare – Challenges and Opportunities Dr. Marcel Dickow
and Thomas Marc Goebel
Middle East The war on ISIL – A Situation Report from Iraq and Syria Enno Lenze
and Lea Frings
Middle East Fragile States – The Breeding Grounds of Terrorism? Challenges with State Building in the 21st Century Milena Elsinger
Peter Finkelgruen
and Björn Semrau


To be continued